Tuesday, March 22, 2011

In the Beginning

There always has to be a beginning to everything.  So this is the beginning of my journey.  Today while I was on the bike at the gym, the thought of starting a blog came to me. I've never blogged before but thought this would be an avenue for me to not only keep track of my results but possibly have other moms jump on this train with me.
For the past 2 years I have been nothing but pregnant (very blessed).  Getting pregnant on my honeymoon never gave me an opportunity to "adjust" to marriage (do you ever adjust to marriage?). Being pregnant made the decision for me to come off the road with my career and instead gave me the job of watching my body change into something that was unfamiliar looking to me.  This time during my first pregnancy with my son was definitely an identity crisis for me.  With every dent that was added to my rump and going from ankles to kankles I saw more of me morphing into a body I didn't like.  Now with number two in our house it's time to get back to working out.  During my first pregnancy I worked out every single day and still gained 55 lbs and with my second I only walked and chased after a toddler which led me to only gaining 35 lbs in addition to the 20 lbs that I had left to loose from my first, giving me a grand total weight of 245 lbs one week before she was born on Feb 20, 2011. In this journey I want to be real and raw since that's the only way to get healthy results.  I feel beautiful on most days but there are those days like yesterday when you look at yourself without the black pants and black shirt on and see the real ugly.  Okay I'm not ugly but the dents in my rump sure are ugly LOL, today I can laugh.

I started working out 3 days ago after having a baby 4 weeks ago.  My first day I ran a mile which felt amazing! I took yesterday off because I was so sore and having a bad, very bad day with my son that has selective hearing.  So let's start with today, day 3. Today was my first weigh in day since giving birth so we will start there.
Day 3: Weight 210 lbs (very excited about this!)
Exercise: Bikes at Gym (30 min)

I am very excited to see that in 4 weeks I have lost 35 lbs, yay!! To let you know how I lost that much in 4 weeks: I gave birth, lost tons of water weight and drinking protein shakes 2 times a day as meal replacements with vitamin enhancers from Herbal Life and drinking water. Unfortunately I am not getting adequate sleep so if I was it would speed things up even more.  I decided to do the bikes today because I sprained my ankle after my foot caught a hole while chasing my son in the front yard yesterday. 

Motivation for all of this is too not only be healthy but take care of the only body that the Lord gave to me.  After loosing both of my parents by the time I was 22 years old due to unhealthy lifestyle habits, I always told myself I would never put my kids through loosing me due to my controllable health decisions. 

So it begins, tone my rump!


  1. Love this! I will join you on the journey in a few weeks. I just cannot seem to enjoy just "being pregnant" this time. I notice every flaw and just feel like a fat cow all of the time. Even though this time around I have gained MUCH less than the 60lbs I packed on with Will, I feel 10 times bigger. I am your biggest cheerleader!! Love you!!!

  2. I love it Robina and I love you. We should run a race together this summer. Steve and Mike can keep the babes.

  3. That's so great Robin! We mommies can always use some motivation and solidarity. :-) I'm at a place where I've lost all the pregnancy weight and then some, so I'm happy with that, but I didn't keep up with my muscles and...well, now I don't have any! Getting results with muscle building seems to take longer so it's easy to get discouraged, but I will definitely be following your journey for inspiration. :-)

  4. Absolutely ladies this will be a place where we can be honest with ourselves and encourage each other because I need it! Mary, I would love to do a race with you. You are the race queen. I'll look up some races coming up this summer. Amy K you keep focusing on getting that baby here and you know we will cheer each other on once you've healed.

  5. I'll be soon right behind your behind (badumbum) as I'll be looking for inspiration just like you to lose my 30-40 pounds I've gained (will have gained) by the time Sophie is born. Kudos to you for starting this!

  6. So proud of you Robin and love how honest you are about it all. Give me 72 days plus about 4-6 weeks to recover from the c-section and I'll be making the same journey with you! Love you Robin

  7. Robin, I will join the journey - my "baby" is 18 mos but I am in desperate need of toning :) howevever - I'm gonna start next week bc this week I am dealing with a "visit from you know what" for the first time in over two years so I'm drowning my cramps in a bag of cadbury chocolate eggs!!!

    Anne hill

  8. Oh Anne I love Cadbury eggs! See you next week girl.
