Friday, June 17, 2011

Celebrating No More Maternity Pants!!

Three month's down and already out of my maternity pants! When my first baby was born it took me 8 months to get out of those pants.  I still have a long way to go until I get to my goal but I am so pleased with my results and hard work for the past 3 month's that have brought me to the place where I am now. 
From here I just keep working hard, try to get adequate sleep (yeah right) and celebrate every milestone to keep me motivated.


  1. You look fabulous mama! Keep it up!

  2. Looking beautiful as always; you should be proud of yourself!!

  3. Good job robin!!!!!! You look amazing. You always do!!!!!!!

  4. Forget "burning the bras"....Burn the MATERNITY PANTS! (nice job)

  5. Maryanne, as soon as this fire ban is lifted that is a GREAT idea!
